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Callback After Kicking Group Members


The App business server can use this callback to handle group administrator requests to remove members from a group. This enables real-time tracking of users being removed (e.g., logging the action or syncing to other systems).

Important Notes

  • To enable this callback, configure the callback URL and activate the corresponding protocol switch. For configuration details, refer to the Callback Introduction document.
  • The callback is initiated from the OpenIM Server to the App backend as an HTTP/HTTPS POST request.
  • The App business server must respond within the timeout period.

Scenarios that Trigger This Callback

  • A group administrator or owner attempts to remove one or more members from the group via the client.

Timing of Callback

  • The callback is triggered after OpenIM Server receives the request to remove members from the group and before it processes the request.

Interface Description

Example Request URL

The CallbackCommand here is: callbackAfterKickGroupCommand


Example Request Package

"callbackCommand": "callbackAfterKickGroupCommand",
"groupID": "G001",
"kickedUserIDs": ["user123", "user456"],
"reason": "Violation of group rules"

Request Package Field Descriptions

callbackCommandstringCallback command, here indicating a post-kick action.
groupIDstringUnique identifier of the group.
kickedUserIDs[]stringList of user IDs for members being removed.
reasonstringReason for removing members.

Example Response Package

Approval to Kick

Approves the request to remove specified group members.

"actionCode": 0,
"errCode": 0,
"errMsg": "",
"errDlt": "",
"nextCode": 0

Response Package Field Descriptions

actionCode0Indicates if the callback executed correctly. 0 means success.
errCode0Custom error code, set to 0 to ignore callback result.
errMsg"An error message"Simple error message corresponding to the custom error code.
errDlt"Detailed error information"Detailed error information for the custom error code.
nextCode1Next action instruction, set to 1 to stop further action when actionCode = 0.