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Common Configuration

Common Configuration Items

Configuration Field NameConfiguration FileDescriptionModification Notes
multiLoginPolicyshare.ymlMulti-device kick-out and online strategy0: Default allows simultaneous login across multiple devices, 1: All clients can be online but only one per client type, 5: PC can be online simultaneously, other clients allow only one device login
secretshare.ymlServer secret key used to generate adminTokenDefault is openIM123, can be changed to any string
tokenPolicy.expireopenim-rpc-auth.ymlToken expiration settingExpiration unit is in days, default is 90
friendVerifyopenim-rpc-msg.ymlFriend relationship required for messagingDefault is false
enableHistoryForNewMembersopenim-rpc-group.ymlAllow new group members to view chat historyDefault is true
objectopenim-rpc-third.ymlChoose different object storageRefer to Object


Configuration Field NameDescriptionModification Notes
enableEnabled object storage typeDefault is minio; options include cos, oss, kodo
cosTencent Cloud object storage configurationIncludes bucketURL, secretID, secretKey, sessionToken, publicRead
ossOSS object storage configurationIncludes endpoint, bucket, bucketURL, accessKeyID, accessKeySecret, sessionToken, publicRead
kodoQiniu Cloud object storage configurationIncludes endpoint, bucket, bucketURL, accessKeyID, accessKeySecret, sessionToken, publicRead
endpointOSS service access domainEnter the access domain of the OSS service
bucketOSS bucket nameEnter the OSS bucket name
bucketURLOSS bucket access URLEnter the OSS bucket access URL
accessKeyIDOSS access key IDEnter the OSS access key ID
accessKeySecretOSS access key secretEnter the OSS access key secret
sessionTokenOSS session tokenEnter the OSS session token (optional)
publicReadBucket public read settingSpecify whether the bucket is publicly readable (default is false)
secretIDTencent Cloud access key IDEnter the Tencent Cloud access key ID
secretKeyTencent Cloud access key secretEnter the Tencent Cloud access key secret