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Callback After Creating a Group

Function Description

The App business server can view information about user-created groups in real-time through this callback. This includes notifying the App backend of successful group creations, allowing for data synchronization and other operations.


  • To enable the callback, a callback URL must be configured, and the switch corresponding to this callback protocol must be turned on. For configuration methods, refer to the Callback Description document.
  • The callback direction is an HTTP/HTTPS POST request initiated by OpenIM Server to the App backend.
  • The App business server, upon receiving the callback request, needs to verify if the command parameter in the request URL is their SDK parameter.
  • The APP business server needs to respond to this request within the timeout period.

Scenarios That May Trigger This Callback

  • App users successfully create a group through the client.
  • App administrators successfully create a group through the REST API.

Timing of the Callback

  • After OpenIM Server successfully creates a group.

Interface Description

Request URL Example

In the following example, the callback URL configured by the App is https://callbackurl.


Request Parameter Description

httpsRequest protocol is HTTPS, and the method is POST
https://callbackurlCallback URL
CallbackCommandFixed value: callbackAfterCreateGroupCommand
contenttypeFixed value: JSON
Header NameExample ValueOptionalTypeDescription
operationID1646445464564RequiredstringoperationID for global link tracing

Request Packet Example

"callbackCommand": "callbackAfterCreateGroupCommand",
"groupID": "12345",
"groupName": "MyGroup",
"notification": "Welcome to MyGroup!",
"introduction": "This is a group for discussing example topics.",
"faceURL": "",
"ownerUserID": "user123",
"createTime": 1673048592000,
"memberCount": 10,
"ex": "Extra data",
"status": 1,
"creatorUserID": "user123",
"groupType": 1,
"needVerification": 1,
"lookMemberInfo": 1,
"applyMemberFriend": 0,
"notificationUpdateTime": 1673048592000,
"notificationUserID": "user456",
"initMemberList": [
"userID": "user789",
"roleLevel": 60
"userID": "user101112",
"roleLevel": 20

Request Packet Field Description

callbackCommandstringCallback command, here for post-group creation.
groupIDstringUnique identifier of the group.
groupNamestringName of the group.
notificationstringNotification message of the group.
introductionstringIntroduction of the group.
faceURLstringURL of the group's icon.
ownerUserIDstringUser ID of the group owner.
createTimeint64Timestamp of group creation (milliseconds).
memberCountuint32Number of members in the group.
exstringAdditional data field.
statusint32Status of the group.
creatorUserIDstringUser ID of the group creator.
groupTypeint32Type of the group.
needVerificationint32Whether verification is needed to join the group.
lookMemberInfoint32Whether group member information is viewable.
applyMemberFriendint32Whether group members can apply to be friends.
notificationUpdateTimeint64Timestamp of the last group notification update (milliseconds).
notificationUserIDstringUser ID of the person updating the notification.
initMemberListarrayInitial list of group members, including userID and roleLevel fields.
initMemberList.userIDstringUser ID of initial members.
initMemberList.roleLevelint32Role level of initial members.

Response Packet Example

The App backend sends a callback response packet after syncing data.


"actionCode": 0,
"errCode": 0,
"errMsg": "Success",
"errDlt": "",
"nextCode": 1

Response Packet Field Description

actionCode0Indicates if the callback was executed correctly by the business system. 0 means the operation was successful.
errCode0Custom error code, 0 here means to ignore the callback result.
errMsg"An error message"Simple error message corresponding to the custom error code.
errDlt"Detailed error information"Detailed error information corresponding to the custom error code.
nextCode1Next step instruction, 1 means to refuse to proceed, set when actionCode is 0.