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Callback Before Responding to a Friend Request

Function Description

The App backend can use this callback to real-time monitor user responses to friend requests, including:

  • Real-time monitoring of user responses to friend requests.
  • Intercepting malicious friend response requests.


  • To enable the callback, it is necessary to configure the callback URL and activate the corresponding switch for this callback protocol. Configuration methods can be found in the Callback Explanation document.
  • The direction of the callback is an HTTP/HTTPS POST request initiated by OpenIM Server to the App backend.
  • After receiving the callback request, the App business server must verify whether the command parameter in the request URL is its SDKNAME parameter.
  • The APP business server must respond to this request within the timeout period.

Scenarios That May Trigger This Callback

  • App users initiate a friend response request through the client, agreeing or refusing to add a friend.

Timing of the Callback

  • After OpenIM Server receives a friend response request from the App.

Interface Description

Request URL Example

In the following example, the callback URL configured by the App is https://callbackurl.


Request Parameter Description

httpsRequest protocol is HTTPS, method is POST
https://callbackurlCallback URL
CallbackCommandFixed value: callbackBeforeReplyFriendResp
contenttypeFixed value: JSON
Header NameExample ValueMandatoryTypeDescription
operationID1646445464564RequiredstringoperationID for global link tracing

Request Packet Example

"callbackCommand": "callbackBeforeReplyFriendResp",
"fromUserID": "user123",
"toUserID": "user456"

Request Packet Field Explanation

callbackCommandstringCallback command, here for before adding a friend
fromUserIDstringUser ID of the person initiating the friend request
toUserIDstringUser ID of the person receiving the friend request

Response Packet Example

Allow Adding

Allows the user to add a friend.

"actionCode": 0,
"errCode": 0,
"errMsg": "Success",
"errDlt": "",
"nextCode": 1

Response Packet Field Explanation

actionCode0Indicates if the business system's callback was executed correctly. 0 means the operation was successful.
errCode0Custom error code, here 0 means ignore the callback result.
errMsg"An error message"Simple error message corresponding to the custom error code.
errDlt"Detailed error information"Detailed error information corresponding to the custom error code.
nextCode1Next step instruction, 1 means to refuse to continue executing, set when actionCode is 0.