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๐Ÿ›  Source Code Deployment

1. Environment and Component Requirementsโ€‹

For server environment, system, and dependent component details, please refer to this document.

2. Deploying OpenIM Server (IM)โ€‹

2.1 Clone the repository using the main branch or switch to the release-v3.7 or later release branchesโ€‹

git clone && cd open-im-server

2.2 Deploy Components (mongodb/redis/zookeeper/kafka/MinIO, etc.)โ€‹

docker compose up -d

2.3 Set External IP. If using a domain name, Nginx configuration is required.โ€‹

Modify the `externalAddress` in `config/minio.yml` to `http://external_IP:port` or a domain name.
Modify the `grafanaURL` in `config/openim-api.yml` to `http://ExternalIP:port` or a domain name.

2.4 ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Initializationโ€‹

Before the first compilation, execute on Linux/Mac platforms:


On Windows execute:


2.5 ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Compilation (available on Linux/Windows/Mac platforms)โ€‹


2.6 ๐Ÿš€ Start/Stop/Check (available on Linux/Windows/Mac platforms)โ€‹

# Start
mage start
# Start in background and collect logs
nohup mage start >> _output/logs/openim.log 2>&1 &
# Stop
mage stop
# Check
mage check

2.7 Modify Other Configuration Itemsโ€‹

See linked documentation

3. Deploying App Server (Chat)โ€‹

3.1 Clone the repository using the main branch or switch to release-v1.7 or later release branchesโ€‹

git clone && cd chat

3.2 ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Initializationโ€‹

Before the first compilation, execute on Linux/Mac platforms:


On Windows execute:


3.3 ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Compilation (available on Linux/Windows/Mac platforms)โ€‹


3.4 ๐Ÿš€ Start/Stop/Check (available on Linux/Windows/Mac platforms)โ€‹

# Start
mage start
# Start in background and collect logs
nohup mage start >> _output/logs/chat.log 2>&1 &
# Stop
mage stop
# Check
mage check

3.5 Modify Other Configuration Itemsโ€‹

See linked documentation

For deployment of release-v3.6 and earlier versionsโ€‹

2. Deploy OpenIM Server (IM)โ€‹

2.1 ๐Ÿ“ก Set OPENIM_IPโ€‹

๐Ÿ”” It is mandatory to set OPENIM_IP, and it cannot be

# If the server has an external IP
export OPENIM_IP="external IP"

# If providing only internal network services
export OPENIM_IP="internal IP"

2.2 ๐Ÿ—๏ธ Deploy Components (mongodb/redis/zookeeper/kafka/MinIO, etc.)โ€‹

git clone && cd open-im-server 
# It is recommended to switch to the release-v3.6 or later release branches
make init && docker compose up -d

2.3 ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Compilationโ€‹

make build

2.4 ๐Ÿš€ Start/Stop/Checkโ€‹

# Start
make start
# Stop
make stop
# Check
make check

3. Deploying App Server (Chat)โ€‹

3.1 ๐Ÿ—๏ธ Clone chat repositoryโ€‹

#Return to the previous directory
cd ..
# Clone repository, it is recommended to switch to release-v1.6 or later release branches
git clone chat && cd chat

3.2 ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Compilationโ€‹

make init
make build

3.3 ๐Ÿš€ Start/Stop/Checkโ€‹

# Start
make start
# Stop
make stop
# Check
make check

4. Quick Verificationโ€‹

Please refer to the Quick Verification document

5. Admin Panel and Monitoring Systemโ€‹

Please refer to the Admin Panel and Monitoring System document.

6. About Configuring Itemsโ€‹

6.1 ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Modifying Common Configuration Itemsโ€‹

Configuration ItemFile to be ModifiedAction
mongo/kafka/minio related.env, openim-server/config/config.yamlNeed to restart components and IM
redis/zookeeper related.env, openim-server/config/config

.yaml, chat/config/config.yaml | Need to restart components, IM, and Chat | | SECRET | openim-server/config/config.yaml, chat/config/config.yaml | Need to restart IM and Chat |

6.2 ๐Ÿ”„ Special Items in Common Configurationโ€‹


  1. Modify the special configuration items in the .env file
  2. Modify the configuration in openim-server/config/config.yaml according to the rules
signEndpoint: "http://$OPENIM_IP:$MINIO_PORT"

grafanaUrl: http://$OPENIM_IP:$GRAFANA_PORT
  1. Modify the configuration in chat/config/config.yaml according to the rules
If IM is not on the same machine as Chat, replace with the IP of the machine where IM is located
  1. Restart IM and Chat

6.3 ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Modifying Other Configuration Itemsโ€‹

For other configuration items in .env, chat/config/config.yaml, and openim-server/config/config.yaml, you can modify these items individually in the respective files.

6.4 Modifying Portsโ€‹

Especially note that any port modification related to IM also needs to be synchronized with the ports in open-im-server/scripts/install/

7. Common Issuesโ€‹

7.1 ๐Ÿ“œ Viewing Logsโ€‹

Log locations:

  • Runtime logs, to be viewed for problem resolution after successful startup: _output/logs/openim-all*
  • Startup logs, to be checked if there are errors during startup: _output/logs/openim-*.log

7.2 ๐Ÿš€ Startup Sequenceโ€‹

The startup sequence is as follows:

  • Components dependent on IM: mongo/redis/kafka/zookeeper/minio, etc.
  • IM
  • Chat

7.3 ๐Ÿณ Docker Versionโ€‹

The new version of Docker has integrated docker-compose. Older versions of Docker may not support the gateway featureโŒ. We recommend upgrading to a newer version, such as 23.0.1๐Ÿ”