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Admin Modifying System Notification Account Information

Brief Description

  • Administrators can modify the information of system notification accounts, including avatar and name.

Request Method

  • post

Request URL

  • {API_ADDRESS}/user/update_notification_account
Header NameExample ValueOptionalTypeDescription
operationID1646445464564RequiredstringoperationID for global link tracking
tokeneyJhbxxxx3XsRequiredstringAdministrator's token

Request Parameters Example

"userID": "1974356875",
Field NameOptionalTypeDescription
userIDRequiredstringSystem notification account ID
nickNameRequiredstringSystem notification account name
faceURLRequiredstringSystem notification account avatar

Successful Response Example

"errCode": 0,
"errMsg": "",
"errDlt": ""

Explanation of Parameters in the Successful Response

Parameter NameTypeDescription
errCodeintError code, 0 indicates success
errMsgstringBrief error message, empty if no error
errDlterrDltDetailed error information, empty if no error

Failed Response Example

"errCode": 1001,
"errMsg": "ArgsError",
"errDlt": "1001 ArgsError"

Explanation of Parameters in the Failed Response

Parameter NameTypeDescription
errCodeintError code, refer to the global error code documentation for details
errMsgstringBrief error message
errDlterrDltDetailed error information